Home Learning

Home Learning - Overview
Te Ara Maia       Week 6-10

These are guidelines around what you should be aiming to complete for home learning each week. You should aim to spend around 30 - 45 minutes a night completing these activities as well as enjoying your passions and interests outside of school.

40 Book Challenge

Basic Fact
Read at least 20 mins each night a few nights this week. Don’t forget to write the name of the book that you are reading onto your reading log.

You are aiming to read 40 books by the end of the year. Remember books read during class can count towards your total.
Words are given out on a Wednesday and retested the following Wednesday.
Practice the words on your spelling list (5 mins). Remember you only have to practice the ones that are not highlighted and should have no more that 10 words to focus on. When you think you know them get a buddy to test and highlight your spelling sheet.
Practice your basic fact branch that you are currently working on (5 mins). When you think you have learnt them come and see me and I will test you and move you up to the next level. You should be aiming to move every couple of weeks.
These can be viewed on the class blog.
GROW Portfolio
Whats on this week.
Work on your GROW Portfolio entries.

Please aim to complete one every three to four weeks.

Remember you are aiming to complete 8 if you are a Year 7 and 12 if you are a Year 8.

If there are any additional activities these will be glued in for that week.

Please see our class blog for weekly updates as to what is happening each week.

This can be accessed by going to the school website
then selecting
Our learning’ and ‘Te Ara Maia’
